Archery Deer Hunting in Montana
Montana Fish Wildlife & Parks (MFWP) hunting regulations and dates are released in March of each year. Please check the MFWP website for confirmation of season dates.
Archery Wilderness Hunting
Our backcountry archery camp, Independence, is located 55 miles south of Big Timber at head of the Boulder River. Independence is accessed by 4×4 vehicles or horseback. Accommodations include a comfortable tent camp with a seasoned camp cook.
Wilderness archery hunts begin on opening day of the archery season and run till the end of archery season, mid-October. These are 7-day hunts (day in, 5 days hunting, day out). We hunt 1 guide to 2 hunters and take 4-8 hunters on these hunts.
Absaroka-Beartooth Outfitters wilderness archery hunts are in rugged, rigorous country, typical of the great hunting areas in North America. The area is rough and remote, which allows the deer the years necessary to develop quality antlers. The landscape varies from large open meadows to lightly timbered south slopes and long benches.
A typical day of hunting consists of breakfast, saddling up, and riding out of camp before daybreak. Some days we will hunt until late morning, return to camp, and then hunt again in the late afternoon until dark. Other days we will stay out all day. Walking and/or riding are mandatory. Being in good condition for hiking and riding will help you have a more successful hunt. We will hunt as hard as you choose to hunt. Our guides are experienced outdoorsmen who know the area extremely well.
Archery Wilderness - Deer Combo
Deer, Black Bear, Wolf
Season/pricing: View information packet
Location: Independence Camp
Accommodations: Tent camp and meals provided
7-Day Trip: 1 day in, 5 days hunting, 1 day out
License needed for deer: General Big Game Combination or General Deer Combo, Bow & Arrow License
License deadline: March 15th
Other license options: Black Bear & Wolf – over the counter
License deadline: Fall Black Bear – August 31st, Wolf – check MFWP website
Archery Private Land Hunts
Our private land archery deer hunts are on select ranches near Big Timber, MT. These ranch hunts are 7-day hunts (arrival day, 5 days hunting, departure day). Accommodations are in the ABO lodge in Big Timber with meals provided.
Archery deer hunts on private land are either spot and stalk or tree stand hunts. The ranches we hunt provide a healthy population of mule deer and whitetail deer. We have several ranches on which we hunt a select number of deer, providing trophy opportunity for the avid hunter.
Big Timber Ranches
The Big Timber Ranch hunts are located just minutes outside of Big Timber, MT on thousands of acres of rolling hills with flowing creeks. Deer roam the countryside in healthy populations. Hunters only need a General License to hunt deer on the Big Timber Ranches. We take a limited number of hunters to provide the best hunting experience.
Deer Archery Hunt - Big Timber Ranches
Mule Deer, Whitetail Deer
Season/prices: View information packet
Location: Big Timber Ranches
Accommodations: Lodge and meals provided
6-Day Trip: arrival day, 4 days hunting, departure day
License needed: General Big Game Combination License or General Deer Combo License and a Bow & Arrow License
License deadline: March 15th
Elk/Deer Combo Archery Hunt - Big Timber Ranches
Elk (priority), Deer
Season/prices: View information packet
Location: Big Timber Ranches
Accommodations: Lodge and meals provided
7-Day Trip: arrival day, 5 days hunting, departure day
License needed: Most of the Big Timber Ranches are hunted with a General Big Game Combination License for elk and deer. A few of the ranches are special elk permit areas. We encourage you to apply for the special permit unit along with your General Big Game Combo license. You will also need a Bow & Arrow License.
Special Permit Area for Elk: 900-20
License deadline: March 15th
The Divide Ranch
The Divide Ranch is a rarity. The ranch offers archery hunters a unique trophy hunting opportunity with a General License. This hunt focuses on trophy opportunity for elk, mule deer, and whitetail deer. The distinct topography provides a game friendly habitat that is sustained by thoughtful land management and wildlife conservation. We use a combination of 4-wheelers, hiking, and horses for this special hunt.Deer Archery Hunt - Divide Ranch
Mule Deer, Whitetail Deer
Season/prices: View information packet
Location: The Divide Ranch
Accommodations: Lodge and meals provided
6-Day Trip: arrival day, 4 days hunting, departure day
License needed: General Big Game Combination License or General Deer Combo License and a Bow & Arrow License
License deadline: March 15th
Deer Archery Hunt - Big Timber Ranches
Elk (priority), Deer
Season/prices: View information packet
Location: The Divide Ranch
Accommodations: Lodge and meals provided
7-Day Trip: arrival day, 5 days hunting, departure day
License needed: The Divide Ranch is hunted with a General Big Game Combination License for elk and deer. However, a portion of the ranch is a special permit area for elk. The ranch provides plenty of great hunting without the special permit elk area, but we encourage you to apply for the special elk permit unit along with your general license. You will also need a Bow & Arrow license.
Special Permit Area for Elk: 900-20
License deadline: March 15th
Fulfill Your Sense of Adventure.
For Private Land hunting, non-residents must apply for a general big game combination, general elk combination or general deer combination license through the Montana drawing system to hunt elk and or deer in Montana. If you want to apply for a special elk or deer permitted area, you may apply for the special permitted area at the same time you apply for the general draw. Residents must hold a valid elk license to apply for a special elk permit and a valid deer license to apply for a special deer permit.
General licensing information
Important Information for Resident and Non-Resident Hunters before applying for hunting licenses
If you were born after January 1, 1985, you are required to show proof of completing a Montana hunter safety and education course or an approved hunter safety course from any other state or province prior to applying for or purchasing a hunting license whether the hunting license is for rifle or archery.
All first time bow and arrow license purchasers must enter their bowhunter education certificate number (NBEF) or a previous years archery license number from any state or province.
If you intend to purchase a black bear license for the first time, you need to have passed the FWP Bear Identification test. It can be found online at FWP’s website. Click on Education, then Hunter Education. Choose Bear Identification Program.
All licenses requiring a kill tag such as deer, elk, wolf, mountain lion, mountain goat, antelope, etc. will be mailed to you from MFWP. Make sure the address you used when you applied for or purchased your license is the address to which you want your license mailed. If your purchase included a combination license, then the conservation & fishing portion of that will also be mailed to you. Always print a copy of your application and receipt. This is your proof of application. Once the draws are posted you will want to be checking your mail to be sure you receive your license. If you do not receive your license within 3 weeks of the posted draw, call MFWP and let them know. Licenses purchased online not requiring a kill tag must be printed from your home printer. These licenses which are now in your physical possession are valid for immediate use.
If you need to purchase licenses for yourself and immediate family members, you must do so in separate transactions and provide the appropriate identification required for each individual.
Non-residents who do not have an ALS number established and are purchasing a conservation license for the first time must be prepared to provide the last 4 digits of their social security number per Montana Code Annotated to comply with the Federal Welfare Reform Law. A conservation license is required when purchasing a hunting or fishing license.
Hunting Deposit & Payment Policy
A partial deposit of $1000 is required to book your hunt. If you do not draw a license, the $1000 partial deposit will be rolled over to the following year, if space is available, or refunded. The drawing takes place in mid-April. The remainder of the deposit (50% of the cost of the hunt) is due when the draw is posted and is non-refundable. The balance of the hunt is due 30 days prior to your hunt and is non-refundable. Hunts not fully paid by this date will be considered cancelled. We recommend Trip Cancellation Insurance. Montana Outfitters & Guides Association suggests Global Rescue Travel Insurance.
All hunts will include an additional fee of $50 for the Hunter/Angler Defense Fund. This fund was set up by Montana Outfitters & Guides Association for the purpose of defending non-resident hunting and fishing rights in the State of Montana. (Information on HADF can be found in the General Hunting Information Packet.)
We accept Credit Cards (Visa/MasterCard only) and Checks. Make Checks Payable to: Absaroka-Beartooth Outfitters, Inc.